Tuesday, December 22, 2015


Wyatt says, "Guess what?! I'm one step closer to going home! I can't believe it!"

We found out late this afternoon that Wyatt was being transferred to Anne Arundel Medical Center, which is a lesser intensity NICU than Hopkins. This is a good thing, as it means he is one step closer to coming home. 

As you can imagine, this means that his report tonight is full of great news. During rounds this morning, they shared our little guy is now 4 pounds 7 ounces. He is gaining weight and this is excellent. He took 66% of his feeds orally yesterday and was on room temperature air for the full 24 hours. However, he did not transition out of the crib, as the team was content with leaving him in the incubator while they figured out the details of his day. Little did we know, this was because they were preparing to bust him out of there. 

We got to hear him cry a bit more than usual today because they changed his feeds, so little guy is giving us additional clues that he is hungry. I'm not sure many parents treasure the sound of their little one communicating via crying, but we certainly did! I'm not convinced I'll be thankful for this in a few weeks when he's crying in the middle of the night, but I'll try and remember the feeling and be thankful for it even when it's 2 am. 

Please pray that Wyatt handles the change in scenery well and that the staff of Hopkins has communicated his needs well to the staff at AAMC. Please also pray that his care at AAMC is equal to the care that he received while at Hopkins. 

Lots of love,
Lori, Brian & Wyatt


  1. AWESOME NEWS! He is an overachiever like his mom for sure! So happy for you guys- I'll keep praying!

  2. Exciting news!!! I know all too well the sound of your little one crying is music to your ears. He is a little fighter and I'm sure all your wonderful kangaroo care has helped him achieve all this! You are a wonderful mommy! Hopefully he will be with you at home SOON! :)

  3. Yay Wyatt!!!!!!!!!!! Grow Wyatt, Grow!

  4. Yay Wyatt!!!!!!!!!!! Grow Wyatt, Grow!
