Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Today was a fairly good day for our little guy! We did our usual routine this morning, mom and I went to the hospital to join rounds and Brian stayed back with the dogs, joining for the afternoon shift and switching with mom. During rounds this morning, his team was very pleased with his weight gain (40 grams), his decrease in frequency of cardiac events, and his nursing. It was a hearty, "Good job, Wyatt!" for rounds. It seems like the prevacid is doing its job and helping with the reflux. The nurse practitioner said if he keeps this up, we could have him home soon! He needs to maintain his weight and continue the downward trend in dips and brady's. 

This is what milk drunk looks like.
He nursed today for 3 feeds and did a great job! He seems to be getting the hang of it and is pacing himself, which is a huge step for him. We will also continue to work on bottle feeds, as the bottle feeds contain the fortifier mixed in the breast milk which will also help to pack on some pounds. He also requires some iron and vitamin d, which needs to be given mixed in with breast milk to encourage him to take it. It smells horrible, so I can only imagine it tastes horrible. 

A thumb sucker?!
We are in big trouble with this kid. You can take away a pacifier but you can't take away a thumb! My mom reminded me that a thumb can't get lost, but I still think we are in for a wild ride with this kid. The nurses commented that they had never seen a baby this young find their thumb. I guess we have a strong minded little fella (was their any doubt-- he favors his father after all) and he will find a way to make himself happy. This seems to happen most when we are changing his diaper. It's likely because this routine is unswaddling him, temp check, diaper change, quick measurements of his belly, then we feed. It can sometimes take a minute or two to do all of those things and he wants to eat. I'm glad he can self-soothe, though.

All in all, a good day for Wy guy. We continue to cross our fingers that things go well and we continue to see all good things so we can take our guy home.

Thanks for your continued thoughts and prayers!
Lori, Brian & Wyatt

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