Wednesday, December 23, 2015

...New Digs & 2 Weeks Old!...

Our little man is 2 weeks old today! Still so hard to believe that 2 weeks ago this blonde bambino stole our hearts.

Mr. Wyatt got all settled in his new digs last night around 9:30 pm. I was able to run over to see him, speak with a nurse, and tuck him in for the evening. When I got there he was in an incubator because during the transport and transition, his temperature dropped a bit. It was never super low and didn't really seem to impact him much, but it was on the lower end of normal and the NICU felt more comfortable warming him up a bit before letting him hang out in the crib.

Overnight last night he did well with his feeds and maintaining his temperature so when I got there this morning, he was in the crib! His nurse this morning also shared some news that *maybe* his discharge is on the horizon. There were some dates thrown around, but with the holiday coming up and with a potential for coming home with a heart monitor, we just aren't sure when it will happen. He also has to continue to maintain all that he's done in his short amount of time since being transferred. He also still needs to pass the carseat test, which is sitting in the carseat, all hooked up, with monitors keeping track of his cardiac function to determine if he can ride in the car. If he fails, we would not be discharged.

Today he took all of his feeds orally and was even able to nurse for a bit. This is very exciting for us! I am convinced he's doing so well with feeds because we got his tongue tie fixed, or at least partially because of that. Wyatt was very vocal today when he was upset or hungry, which made me giggle. I may have grabbed my phone to take a picture of it because it was so cute. He sounds like a little sheep. I promise I snapped the picture and then soothed him, I didn't torture him.

We continue to ask for prayers for all of the nurses, doctors, techs, etc. involved in the decision making for Wyatt's care. May these people all make thoughtful decisions and in the best interest of Wyatt. We pray that Wyatt continues to grow, maintain his temperature, eat like a champion, and maintain his heart rate. 

Thank you for your love and support,
Lori, Brian & Wyatt

1 comment:

  1. Love that every day seems to be getting better for baby Wyatt. Prayers will continue Lori and I want to wish you all a very Merry Christmas! Big hugs to all.
