Sunday, December 27, 2015

... Guest Blogging (from Jess) ...

Hello all!

It's Jess, stepping in for one tired mama. Sue sent Lori off to bed this evening so she could get some shut-eye (turns out even when you are a mom, your mom still moms you! Thanks Sue!). As such, I get to take over.

I'm considering using this time to try out some new jokes, but instead, I'll get to what you all want to hear about ... the man of the hour, Wyatt!

Seriously, find me someone cuter!
Wy guy had an ok day today. He is now nursing, as tolerated, and in my update this evening from Lori, he'd nursed like a champ. They're continuing to supplement with rice cereal, in hopes that it helps him with the reflux, and helps him to gain some weight.

Speaking of which, Wyatt's weight is down about 50 grams. For those of you who don't know what that means (me!), he weighs in at 4 lbs, 7 oz. While concerning to those of us who love Wyatt and the K family, the doctors are ok with it for now. When measuring in the NICU, they look at his weight gain week over week, not day over day. Hopefully, this is an outlier and we'll see him creeping closer to 5 lbs soon. In the meantime, he's resting up.

This is how one of his parents looks while sleeping. Which one? Hint: I've never seen Brian sleep.
Since I've been given the reins for the evening (and possibly never again), I want to take a second to write a side note. While Wyatt is clearly the main focus, his mom deserves a little attention too.

There's something incredible about watching your best friend go on her journey to become a mother. You find out about the positive pregnancy test, watch her eat what seemed like thousands of Saltines, and see her cute belly grow. You get excited with her, experiencing the anticipation of bringing home her little boy.

Lori went through these milestones, but has had a different experience than expected these last few weeks. While I know this hasn't exactly been the journey she pictured, Lori has handled it with such grace. I'm not a mom yet, but when I am, I hope I do so with as much love and devotion as I've seen from Lori.

And so, tonight, yes, I ask for thoughts for Wyatt, our man of the hour. Thoughts and vibes that he keep growing and thriving and stops (or at least minimizes) the reflux and the brady episodes. But I also ask for thoughts for my best girl, Lori, and for Brian. They're ready to bring Wy guy home and begin the next step of their adventure as a family in their own home.

My favorite picture of the day!
Love to all,



  1. Lor and Brian are fantastic parents already!!! I can't wait for Wyatt to go home! Nice post Jess!!!

  2. Lor and Brian are fantastic parents already!!! I can't wait for Wyatt to go home! Nice post Jess!!!
