Saturday, May 13, 2017

An Unusual Journey...

On the eve of my 2nd Mother's Day, I'm taking some time to reflect on my journey to motherhood and the adventure so far. 

I want to first take a moment to thank this guy...
 You know, the star of this blog. I want to thank him for making me a mom. I longed for this title for as long as I can remember and I can't think of a better guy to give me this title. 


There is no doubt in my mind how much I love this kid. I know I referenced it previously in the post titled, Love. And all of that still holds true. 

We started off a little bumpy. A NICU stay. A feeding tube. Oxygen. Lots of doctors. Leaving our son behind, while we went home. Scary days and nights. A surprise transfer to a new hospital. Going home with a bitty baby. 

Doctors appointments. Diagnosis. Another one. Still some more. More appointments. ER visits. Hospital stays. Surgeries. More ER visits. More hospital stays. Another surgery. A feeding tube. Oxygen. Sleep study. BiPAP. A new feeding tube. More appointments. Unknown future. 

It's a lot for a little guy (and his family!). But, I wouldn't trade it for the world. 

You see, this guy made me a mom. He's worth every worry, every diagnosis, every sleepless night, every beep, everything. He's worth it. He made me a mom. 

This journey has been rocky, to say the least. It's been an unusual journey full of twists in the road. A new destination. A surprise road trip (to Hopkins, of course). It's VERY different than the journey I imagined. But through it all, this kid has defied odds and he still calls me mom. 

(You'll have to excuse me... typing through tears is difficult...)

Being a mom is hard. Being a mom of a child with special needs is hard. Every mom has their own journey, mine is just a little unusual and full of surprises along the way. There are hard days (we all have them!). There are good days and bad days. There are more hospital stays, more doctors appointments, more to be written in our journey. But I'm lucky. His story is still being written. 


So today, on this Mother's Day eve, I reflect on how lucky I am to be chosen to be a mom. To be Wyatt's mom. Thank you, Wyatt, for choosing me to be your mother. Your teacher. Your cheerleader. Your advocate. Your strength. 

I'm one lucky mama. 

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