Tuesday, May 23, 2017


Looks like someone has a case of the Tuesdays....

I took him off BiPAP and turned on the light and got this. I swear he's already a teenager. Little guy rolled over and covered his face. Punk. 

I'm pretty sure he was saying, "Nah. I don't want to get up today. Thanks." I feel his pain. I didn't want to face Tuesday either. But we did. And we killed Tuesday. 

Tomorrow is a big day. We meet with his pulmonology team to discuss next steps. We are hopeful that we walk away with a clear understanding of the results of his sleep study, as well as next steps. I anticipate there will be lots of questions, but that's been the story of his life so far. That kid, he's a conundrum. 

On a brighter note, he is really doing great with his rolling and sitting. He is rolling for a purpose and is determined to roll to grab a toy, or roll to grab a dog. I'll let you guess which one is more exciting for him (and the four legged friends). It's a really good thing we have tolerant pups. I mean, Duke is fairly convinced Wyatt is his baby. So it works. Wyatt is also showing improvements in his vision and is tracking people when they come in a room, or when someone walks by him. It caught me off guard when I went into his room when I thought he was falling asleep and he looked me straight in the eye and gave me a mischievous grin. He knew I was there and knew he was supposed to be sleeping. Stinker. Good thing he's cute. 

We would love positive vibes and prayers for a constructive appointment tomorrow, filled with a plan for Wyatt's care. 


(See what I mean about mischievous?)

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