Thursday, January 18, 2018

EEG Results

We spoke with the neurologist this week. Wyatt’s EEG came back normal. While it’s a huge sigh of relief that his brain is functioning normally and his brain waves were normal, we are still going to treat with anti-seizure meds. The doctor believes what we are seeing is seizure behavior and felt strongly that we should treat accordingly. We were in agreement and proceeded to discuss options, and chose to medicate using Keppra. 

(Sometimes you just gotta lick the bowl when your dinner is finished...)

As the doctor explained, if he is responsive (see a decrease in the staring episodes) to the medication, we will know he has been having seizures. If he does not respond to the medication, it will mean either a) the episodes we are seeing are not seizures or, b) we need to try a different medication. {insert huge eye roll here because of course it can’t ever be easy with this kiddo!}

(Mark on his eye is from his BiPAP on his face is from his new favorite food- dairy feee yogurt mixed with avocado)

The neurologist has a wicked sense of humor like we do and simply said, “Well, looks like he’s outsmarted us once again!” She’s describing a very common theme with our guy. He continues to be a medical mystery. The cutest medical mystery you’ve ever seen, I would bet. She described his seizures as most likely partial complex seizures (also known as focal seizures). We need to be aware that these could mean one day he jumps to tonic-clonic (also known as grand mal) seizures or he may not. Currently the partial complex seizures are only impacting one portion of his brain. If it turns to impact his entire brain, it would impact his whole brain which would then impact his whole body.  Only time will tell. The hope is by treating him with medication, we will greatly reduce the likelihood that he has a tonic clonic seizure. 

Big things are on the horizon for our favorite blondie. We are awaiting the final confirmation on who will be joining his next surgery and a date. The best news we got was confirmation we do not need cardiac clearance for sedation, which means one less appointment. While I understood this to be true based on our last cardiology appointment, it seems the team needed to hear it from the heart guy himself. 

We would appreciate continued prayers for controlling the seizure episodes, battling cold and flu season, and a little bit of sleep around these parts. Our guy is back to middle of the night party sessions. 


  1. Hang in there everyone!! Talk about a bumpy road and no road signs, and no gps- phew!! Love and prayers, xoxoxoxoxo

  2. For years I suffered from these, along with absence seizures without knowing. I’ve been so lucky to only have one grand mal. Seizures and properly controlling them can be tough. You all are always in my thoughts and prayers. I’m so happy Wyatt has such an amazing family and support system. Love you guys!
