Thursday, June 8, 2017


Kids get teeth. I know this. It's just really no fun when you're getting 5 at once. Most days he's a pretty chill guy. But lately he's sort of being a toddler. Totally normal toddler behavior to be happy one minute and mad the next because someone looked at you, or you dropped a toy. 

It's just that, well, we've never dealt with normal. And his normal includes not being able to move his body like a normal kiddo. Instead of chasing after the toy he dropped, he screams for me to do it. And like any good behavior specialist (that's my day job) I totally reinforce the behavior (if you're not in the "know" I'm using sarcasm... you don't ever want to reinforce negative behavior) by getting the toy or picking him up. Turns out, I'm human. And he's pretty darn cute so it's reeeeeeeeally hard not to do that. 


I mean, how could you say no to this face?! 


Or this face?! 

Our days have been pretty quiet, and our nights have been pretty, well, not quiet. Thankfully his daddy is a saint and takes the night shift anytime he can, so he gets to "bond" with Wyatt in the middle of the night. 

Actual conversation this week:

Mommy: Wow! Listen to him chat away. Listen to all those consonant sounds! He sounds great! 

Daddy: yeah, I would rather listen to those sounds when the sun is up. 

Mommy: oh, right. 

At least he's happy when he's awake at 3 am? 

No big news around here, which is a welcome change since the last 6 months have been a flurry of hospital visits, color changes, and ER visits. We will take quiet! Cross those fingers and toes that he keeps this up AND stops waking up for parties at 3 am (unless daddy has night shift, then he can party whenever he wants! I kid..I kid!) 

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