Tuesday, November 19, 2019


Wyatt started half day school this year. He attends school at a local center for students with special needs through the public school system, in an Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) classroom. When he turned three this was an option for him, but at the time it wasn’t right for us or for him. It was the height of cold and flu season and we knew that came with a lot of risks. His medical team suggested we do what we could to give him one more winter to fight, to keep his lungs strong. So we opted for continued in home services to do that. 

So when the school year was approaching, we could have either continued on those services or start him in the ECI program. We chose to start the school year so we could get him in a routine and start the year strong. 

To say we were anxious would be a gross understatement. We were sending our heart and soul to school, with near strangers. Our son with significant medical needs, who began having weird “episodes” that were medical emergencies when they occurred. The pain of saying bye to him that first day was indescribable. We were all on edge, unsure of the unknown. Would he be okay? Would he learn? Was he safe? Would he be happy?

{photo of Wyatt, in a yellow plaid shirt, grinning with the happiest eyes}

You tell me. 

{photo collage of Wyatt in school. In each picture he is smiling and clearly enjoying school}

The boy we see at home, after only a few months in school, is not the boy we sent them. He’s happy. He’s thriving. He’s safe. He’s learning. And perhaps most importantly? He’s loved. He has a lot of cards stacked against him with seizures happening with increased frequency and intensity, ambulance rides and absences, schedule changes and sleep issues. But this boy is making great progress. He’s sitting independently (briefly) in a chair at school. He’s crawling into the laps of the adults there to let them know he wants their attention. He’s walking in his gait trainer. He’s using a switch (communication device) to communicate. This boy is really killing it at school. 

{black and white photo of Wyatt with his back to the camera, standing using a bar on the glass door, one arm for balance and one arm grabbing a toy}

We couldn’t be more proud of this guy and we are so thankful he’s in a surrounded by people that celebrate his successes with us, believe in him, and love him. 

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