Monday, July 24, 2017

*Official* Sleep Study 3.0 Results

This afternoon we got *official* sleep study results. We were shocked we got them back so quickly, and when the pulmonology phone number showed up, there was a moment of panic. If we have learned anything on this journey, it's that you don't want results back sooner than expected. That usually means things went awry, and the doctors need to get you in quickly for an intervention. 

The doctor started off the conversation asking me how I thought it went. Seriously? Just tell me the results. I thought it was fine. The RT (Respiratory Therapist) winked at me. He didn't have any episodes. There was no hospital trip. I thought it was fine.  But nobody pays me to interpret sleep studies, so tell me the real answer, lady. 

The short answer? 

No trach for this guy! He did well, he remained within his allowable settings, and had no episodes. The doctor did share his oxygen saturations looked good! This is excellent news. His CO2 levels were a little high, but it could be explained by the monitoring (it is not done as a veinous blood gas, which is the most reliable measure, but not feasible during the study). The doctor did point out that he's still on a very high level that does come with risks, like a pneumothorax, which is a collapsed lung, but the results of the study are very reassuring that the interventions we have in place are doing what they should be doing. For that we are grateful. 

We will follow up in clinic in two weeks to discuss next steps, which likely will include asking ENT to scope him to see if there are any structural or anatomical reasons for the obstruction when he sleeps. From there we will know if there will be any additional interventions. 

For now, though, we will take a deep breath and celebrate this news. This kid, he never ceases to amaze us. 


  1. This kid really is amazing! But, I'd be the first to say his parents are pretty amazing, too!!

  2. Celebrating with you in the Fox Den!!! Well done Wy Guy! Such amazing news!!! Love you all so very much!
