Thursday, June 13, 2019

And Just Like That... He is 3 and a Half

Three. And. A. Half. 

{Photo of Wyatt in an adaptive swing. He’s curiously exploring the swing and looks like he is trying to escape or hold on for dear life}

I am having a little trouble saying those words. Three sounds so old, but three and a half seems... so close to 4! So what is our favorite three and a half year old up to these days? 

We started feeding therapy about six weeks ago. Our goal with feeding therapy is to increase his volume of oral feeds, while exploring some other textures. We are also hoping to increase his water intake orally in order to get to a good volume to proceed with a swallow study. These are short term goals. Our long term goal is to be able to approach GI to ask about reducing tube feeds and replace some of that time with oral feeds. We remain hopeful that Wyatt will continue to progress at a comfortable (and safe!) pace. 

{Photo collage of 4 different photos of Wyatt playing with a spoon and bowl. He is attempting to feed himself and making quite a mess while doing it.}

Wyatt continues with weekly physical therapy, including aquatic therapy. His previous hate-hate relationship with PT has taken a turn for the better (his therapist is likely going to hate me for even typing these words!) and he, gasp, appears to be tolerating it. I’m not ready to call it enjoying it. It’s more of a love-hate. He loves his therapist, but hates that she makes him work hard. He has started taking steps (assisted), standing with supports, and doing everything he can to avoid crawling or even being in that position. It’s borderline comical. 

We just finished services in our home, through the school system. These discontinued because... he will start school in the fall! He will start half day, ride a bus, and probably be the cutest kid there. 

He has a few upcoming appointments that we hope will be smooth, and is awaiting an MRI to give us some information about his brain. 

All in all, our guy seems to be making progress and remains happy, unless we are forcing him to brush his teeth, change a diaper, or do something he doesn’t want to do. Which I’m being told is quite normal for a three (and a half!) year old. 

{Photo of Wyatt in a bright blue shirt which brings out his blue eyes. He’s sitting up by himself with his arms crossed because he’s very much trying to avoid touching the grass.}