Sunday, March 11, 2018

Updates and more...

Tap...tap...tap... is this thing on? 

Sorry, it’s been a while. We generally operate on the no news is good news philosophy, but realize that may not be the case for all of our Wyatt fans. So, here we are. 

It’s been a crazy few months around these parts, but the craziness is all our doing, not Wyatt’s! That’s the good news! In January, we decided to sell our home. We love our house and have worked to make it our own, but it’s in the wrong school district. Because we know Wyatt will need a whole host of services when he hits school age, we made the decision to move to the county in which I work. I’m well versed in the world of special ed and I have no doubt the district we are currently in could provide appropriate services, I wanted to also know the people who would be servicing him and I wanted him in my county. So after about a month of having our home listed, we accepted an offer. It’s been a whirlwind few months getting through home inspection, appraisal, and starting the packing process. At present, we don’t have a contract on a house for us to buy, so we will be moving into a short term rental while we figure out the details for our new home. 

(Wyatt is excited for what’s to come! He’s just not as excited about packing...)

During this time, we have narrowly escaped all of the illnesses everyone else caught and our big guy has stayed fairly healthy. 

(He’s fighting germs this cold and flu season, with his trusty wooden stick!)

Because we don’t like just doing things the easy way, we also decided to throw in surgery next week. You know, a week and a half before we close on the house. At least we already know we can handle all the crazy things at once? 

Wyatt will have surgery on March 19th. His surgery is a whole host of minor things combined together. We chose to combine into one event, as we know Wyatt doesn’t do well with sedation and his team, along with us, determined it was better to do one longer sedation, rather than multiple times under anesthesia. As a result, his surgery will take a bit longer and involves multiple surgeons/doctors. We hope that his current health, along with his growth, will allow him to recover much better this time around. Surgery will include: remove adenoids, put in tubes, potentially remove tonsils (will depend what they see when they get in there), a sedated hearing test, four different scopes, and potentially a urologic procedure. Each piece plays an important role in helping with his current issues, or will help give us more information. We are very hopeful the hearing test shows good news and the addition of tubes will allow him to hear better. Two year olds and hearing aid headbands don’t mix. He can take it off quicker than we can put it on, which means he’s only hearing a small portion of the sounds around him. 

(He’s plotting how to take off his hearing aid...)

As far as growth, Wyatt is now pushing 20 pounds! He continues to grow at his own pace, on his own curve, but he’s trending closer to the curve set by his peers. We will meet with endocrine next month to see our next steps and analyze the blood work they will take before surgery. 

He continues to make continued growth in his developmental milestones. Although we prefer to call them inchstones. As you can see, his feeding tube lines don’t hold him back. (Eye roll) Moments before this, he was eating my sock. Then he wanted to see the dogs who were pawing at the door, so he rolled right into seated position. With his tubing wrapped around him. No worries, the tubing wasn’t tight! I mean, I stopped to take a picture. I have priorities around here. 

Please keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we prepare for a busy couple of weeks!